搜索"Theresa" ,找到 7部影视作品
入围第71届柏林电影节德国电影视角单元。 As she enters retirement, a mo打手心的故事ther leaves behind her solitary life in rural Germany and memories of a once perfect family life and travels to protest-ridden Hong K要听爸爸的话ovaong, a place that has kept her son away from her for many years.
Two women spend a weekend together at the North Sea. Walks on the beach, fish buns at a snack stand, mobile weather forecasts. Sky, horizon, water. One of them婚礼2008迅雷下载 will soon return to her family in Argentina while the other one will try to come a step closer to the ocean. She travels to the Caribbean and the foreign makes her vulnerable. Then, the land is out of sight. On a sailing vessel she crosses the Atlantic Ocean. One wave follows the other, they never resemble. T田馥甄唱爱的可能林俊杰哭了是哪一期houghts go astray, time leaves the beaten track and the swell lulls to deep sleep. The sea takes over the narration. And when the other one reappears in it, th血恋1完整版e wind is still in her hair while the ground beneath her feet is solid. She returns and the one of them could ask Have you changed